4-Ipomeanol Toxicosis (Moldy Sweet Potato) and Perilla Ketone Toxicosis (Purple Mint Toxicosis) in Cattle

ByJohn Campbell, DVM, DVSc
Reviewed/Revised Dec 2022

    Clinicopathologic syndromes indistinguishable from acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edema (ABPEE ) occur after ingestion of either moldy sweet potatoes infested with Fusarium solani or the wild mint Perilla frutescens.

    Moldy sweet potato toxicity is due to the ingestion of a furanoterpenoid toxin produced by sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) in response to infestation with the fungus F solani; the end result is production of the pneumotoxin 4-ipomeanol. Perilla ketone toxicity is due to ingestion of the leaves and seeds of the plant P frutescens (purple mint), which contains a pneumotoxin and is found in the southeastern US. The pathogeneses of both these conditions are similar to that of ABPEE, as is approach to treatment.

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